If you ask yourself how to start earning no Fiverr, don't worry, it's pretty simple. Shortly, all you have to do is choose the service you want to sell, post your gig and wait for the first buyer. Sounds easy, right? Well, it is... But I guess you would like to get a more detailed answer :)
In this post I'll tell you how to start earning on Fiverr ever if it's the first time you hear about Fiverr. Basically, it's already written in previous posts, so I'll refer you to those posts in the right order. You will have to read several pages, but after you do, you'll know everything you need to get started.
Firstly, you should read How to use Fiverr to make money - this post explains what Fiverr is and how you can use it to make money.
The second post I recommend you read is How to stand out on Fiverr - this will show you some tricks and techniques you can apply to post better gigs and improve your earnings.
After you read the first two posts you can read How to make money on Fiverr without skills - I this post, you will find an alternative method to make money on Fiverr. You don't have to use it, but I think it's good to know about it and see if you want to use it or just stick with what you've learned in the previous posts.
Finally, to give you some motivation to start you can read the last post I'll recommend today - How much can I make on Fiverr.
Lastly you can watch this YouTube playlist to learn more about making money on Fiverr.